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Профессионал в производстве алюминиевых изделий、Алюминиевая потолочная навесная стена

Алюминиевая трехмерная пластина、Многомерная пластина、Сотовая алюминиевая пластина

Outdoor aluminum veneer product description - Цзясин ПУРФУЛ Технология строительных материалов Лтд

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Наружный алюминиевый шпон описание продукта

В качестве распространенного декоративного материала в индустрии внутренней и наружной отделки стен, aluminum veneer has gradually become a strong member. It is especially widely used in the field of interior and exterior curtain walls, and is more and more favored by the market. Aluminum veneer is with its outstanding shaping advantages, light weight, high rigidity, strong weather resistance and corrosion resistance. It can be processed into various complex shapes such as plane, curved surface and spherical surface. Simple construction, convenient cleaning and maintenance, stable product properties, excellent environmental protection and fire protection functions, and good shock resistance and wind resistance.

Алюминиевый винирВысококачественная подложка из алюминиевого сплава, насыщенный цвет, может удовлетворить потребности современной архитектуры в цвете. PVDF fluorocarbon surface coating, color stability and fastness; It has excellent weather resistance and aging resistance. It can withstand ultraviolet rays for a long time and resist the erosion of strong wind, acid rain, industrial waste gas, etc. Light weight, high strength; It is not easy to stain and is convenient for cleaning and maintenance. The installation structure is simple, and can be processed into various plane, arc, multi fold and other complex shapes, with strong decorative effect.



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